2. 2.2km with hr 150(distance running)
3. 2.2km with hr 155(distance running)
4. 2.2km with hr 160(distance running)
5. cool down(cad and dis mix)
Got up at 4:40am, it seems to be a routine for my running schedule. Had balabce day energy bar, easy stretched, then started my running. The weather is unstable recently, two days ago it was still cold but changed to sunny day yesterday. Fortunately, it will be nice weather this weekend. My trainning schedule won't be interrupted.
Warm up with cadence running style, just felt no stiff on legs with light path. It indicated a well recovery from yesterday trainning. To release accumulated lactic acid(LA) from every single trainning is very important for a runner. The faster a guy can metabolize LA, the longer endurance he/she will have. And it also affects less in next running. The feeling is apparent, you can easily notice your recovering condition through heart rate or the flexibility of muscles.
Started tempo run when I arrived CKS memorial hall, it has become my daily running place. Less high buildings and more fresh air, havnig a broad field for exercise is scarce for people in Taipei. When I run, I sometimes think of the Hyde Park in Sydney. I went there many years ago, but I can hardly forget the wonderful scenery and running path there.
Steadily increased my hr after each level was accomplished and stable. From 150 to 160 b/m, I felt no hardness with breath. Since my muscle is still under molding, I usually begin tired from my legs. But today was surprising that no obvious muscle ache happened! And I felt much stable in core muscle, also more accordance between left and right path. Just had a great condition today.
Sun raised almost at the same time as I finished tempo, cooling down with easy path to my dorm. Stretching, taking a bath, have a breakfast, nice running today!
Hope I can keep today's feeling for each running, enjoy, and be happy.
Today's performance:
1. hr avg: 146 b/m
2. hr max: 164 b/m
3. time: 1:06:59
4. dis: 12.13km
5. burn: 664 kcal
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